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来源: 编辑: 人气:981 时间:2015-07-17

  凯茵化工讯 荷兰涂料和化学品巨头公司周一确认,正在洽谈收购美国涂料生产商艾仕得涂料系统有限公司(Axalta Coating Systems Ltd)。



  为 全Q第二大涂料生产商,艾仕得也是 全Q前十大涂料商之一。如果交易达成,一个与PPG工业集团比肩的 全Q涂料巨头或将出现,其年收入预期可能超过150亿美元,总市值亦将超过300亿美元。


  今年早些时候,涂料行业巨头美国PPG Industries曾经放弃了对价值260亿欧元的收购计划。

AkzoNobel confirmed the acquisition of the United States Axalta paint system

KAYNE Chemical News Dutch coatings and chemicals giant AkzoNobel confirmed on Monday that it is in talks to acquire Axalta Coating Systems Ltd, a US paint manufacturer.

AkzoNobel said the two companies are conducting "constructive talks." The company also said it will divest its specialty chemicals business as planned.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Financial Times and other media coverage, informed sources, AkzoNobel is approaching Axalta (Axalta) to discuss the possible merger in the future.

AkzoNobel is the world's second largest paint manufacturer and Axalta is also one of the top ten paint manufacturers in the world. If the deal is reached, a global coating giant that will stand next to PPG Industries Group may appear to have annual revenues of more than $ 15 billion and a total market capitalization of more than $ 30 billion.

According to sources, Axalta is considering the transaction, the negotiations are in an early stage. Due to the confidentiality of the negotiations between the two parties, it is not yet known whether the two companies will agree to merge.

Earlier this year, paint giant USA PPG Industries had abandoned its € 26 billion acquisition of AkzoNobel.


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