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来源: 编辑: 人气:847 时间:2015-07-17

  凯茵化工讯 记者从中国科学技术大学获悉,近期,中国科学技术大学教授崔华、马明明等与南京大学教授王伟合作,模拟萤火虫生物发光,成功制备出一种可高强度和长时间化学发光的水凝胶,陶氏百历摩苯乙烯/丙烯酸聚合物其发光在黑暗中肉眼可见,持续时间达150小时以上。国际权威学术期刊《自然 通讯》日前发表了该成果。



Chinese scholars imitate fireflies developed a "bright light" hydrogel

Kailin Chemical News reporter learned from the University of Science and Technology of China, recently, Cui Hua, Ma Mingming, University of Science and Technology of China and Professor Wei Wang of Nanjing University, simulated firefly bioluminescence, the successful preparation of a high strength and Chemiluminescent hydrogels, whose luminescence is visible to the naked eye in darkness for a duration of more than 150 hours, International authoritative academic journal "Nature & Middot; Communications" recently published the results.

At present, most of the chemiluminescence reactions are "flash" type light emission, and the light emission is completed in a short time, which limits the application in cold light sources, analytical chemistry and biological imaging. High intensity and long-term "glow" chemiluminescence has always been the goal pursued by scientists.

Recently, the research group of CUHK and Nanjing University used natural chitosan, chemiluminescence reagents and catalysts to prepare a new type of hydrogel. Their study found that 99.8% of the catalyst was immobilized on the hydrogel backbone while 89.5% of the chemiluminescent reagent was dispersed in the hydrogel pores. When the oxidant enters the hydrogel, it decomposes to produce active radicals that react with the chemiluminescent reagent to produce chemiluminescence. Due to chelation and heterogeneity of the catalyst to enhance the catalytic activity and stability, hydrogels greatly reduce the rate of oxidant diffusion, resulting in strong and long chemiluminescence.


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