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来源: 编辑: 人气:935 时间:2017-07-12

  凯茵化工讯 专业化学品业务10月10日宣布,其位于中国宁波的有机过氧化物厂扩建将进入新阶段。预计到2018年三季度,宁波厂产能将增长一倍以上。


  宁波多元化基地现有员工约500名,是旗下多个专业化学品业务的生产基地。宁波DCP厂是目前在 全Q好大的DCP厂。

AkzoNobel expands organic peroxide plant in Ningbo

Kailin Chemical News Aksu Nobel Specialty Chemicals announced on October 10 that its organic peroxide plant expansion in Ningbo, China, will enter a new phase. It is estimated that by the third quarter of 2018, Ningbo's factory capacity will more than double.

Akzo Nobel's Ningbo plant produces a variety of specialty chemicals, one of which is dicumyl peroxide (DCP). DCP can be used as a cross-linking agent for polymer production. In August of this year, the initial project of Ningbo factory expansion was completed and its production capacity has been raised by 40%. After the completion of expansion, the production capacity of DCP in Ningbo will more than double the level before the expansion to reach 38,000 tons per year.

The diversified base in Ningbo currently employs about 500 people and is a manufacturing base for a number of specialized chemicals businesses under AkzoNobel. DCP plant in Ningbo is AkzoNobel's largest DCP plant in the world.


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