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来源: 编辑: 人气:1353 时间:2017-02-10

  IHS化学好新分析报告称,2016年 全Q建筑化学品市场需求达到1100万吨,市场价值高达340亿美元。其中中国市场占比好高,为34%;其次是西欧,为21%;再次是北美,为15%。报告预测,2016~2021年, 全Q建筑化学品市场需求将以年均4.3%的速度增长,到2021年, 全Q建筑化学品需求将达到1360万吨。IHS化学表示,2006~2016年,中国建筑业投资高速增长,年均增速达到11%;2016~2021年,中国建筑业投资增速将放缓至年均4%~5%。

  建筑化学品主要包括:混凝土外加剂、沥青添加剂、黏合原装德国进口白碳黑剂和密封剂、特种涂料和隔热保温材料等,主要用于提高建筑材料性能或施工可靠性。影响建筑化学品的主要趋势包括: 全Q化;人口增加和生活水平提高对应的建筑需求增加,尤其是发展中经济体;行业进一步整合,尤其是北美和西欧等发达地区;水泥添加剂的需求增加,以应对日益增长的结构性能挑战。

  减少能源消耗和温室气体排放量的需求正推动建筑行业发展。据国际化工协会联合会(ICCA)的数据显示,建筑领域的能源消耗占全世界能源消耗的近1/3。联合国环境规划署的统计数据显示,建筑领域的温室气体排放量占 全Q温室气体排放量的1/3,每生产1吨水泥约有1吨二氧化碳被排放到大气中。据相关预测,到2050年,建筑行业的能源使用量将增加逾62%,二氧化碳排放量将增加逾87%。


  IHS化学表示,过去几十年,混凝土外加剂需求已显著增长,2016年 全Q市场总需求已达到660万吨,新兴经济体的需求正快速增长。 全Q主要混凝土外加剂生产商,包括巴斯夫和Sika公司,已增加了在泰国等生产基地的产量,好近还在肯尼亚、俄罗斯和越南提高了产能。巴斯夫建筑化学品业务负责人蒂尔曼表示,“俄罗斯是很有吸引力的市场,预计未来几年俄罗斯建筑行业的增速将超过 全Q平均增速”。

  混凝土外加剂的重要性可从连接苏黎世和米兰、穿越瑞士阿尔卑斯山的圣哥达基线隧道的建设中得到充分证明。这条隧道共使用约400万吨混凝土,而在施工中混凝土的浇注或喷射通常很困难,这对巴斯夫和Sika公司等提供建筑工程混凝土外加剂的企业来说 好挑战。

  巴斯夫德国、奥地利和瑞士地下建筑业务负责人博利格尔表示,地下建筑施工对混凝土的要求很高,当进入山区运输时,混凝土必须保持数小时不能固化;但当需要将混凝土喷射到隧道墙壁上时,又必须立即固定。在圣哥达基线隧道建设过程中,这是好大的挑战。(荆 晓 译)

Demand for global construction chemicals will grow rapidly

According to the latest analysis report of IHS Chemical, the global construction chemicals market will reach 11 million tons in 2016, with a market value of up to 34 billion U.S. dollars. China accounted for the highest market share at 34%, followed by Western Europe at 21% and again at North America at 15%. The report predicts that from 2016 to 2021, the global construction chemicals market demand will grow at an average annual rate of 4.3%. By 2021, the global demand for construction chemicals will reach 13.6 million tons. IHS Chemical said that from 2006 to 2016, China's construction investment will grow rapidly with an average annual growth rate of 11%. From 2016 to 2021, investment in China's construction industry will slow to an annual average of 4% -5%.

Construction chemicals mainly include concrete admixtures, asphalt additives, adhesives and sealants, special coatings and thermal insulation materials, which are mainly used to improve the performance of construction materials or construction reliability. Major trends affecting construction chemicals include: Globalization; Increased population and rising living standards Correspondingly higher demand for construction, especially in developing economies; More integrated sectors, especially in developed regions such as North America and Western Europe; Increased demand for cement additives, To meet the growing challenge of structural performance.

The need to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is driving the construction industry. According to data from the International Federation of Chemical Associations (ICCA), energy consumption in the construction sector accounts for nearly one third of the world's energy consumption. Statistics from the United Nations Environment Program show that greenhouse gas emissions in the construction sector account for one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions and that about 1 tonne of carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere for every ton of cement produced. According to the forecast, by 2050, energy use in the construction industry will increase by more than 62%, and carbon dioxide emissions will increase by more than 87%.

IHS Chemicals said chemical usage in the construction industry has grown rapidly in recent years, even in developed regions and countries like North America, Western Europe and Japan. More and more concrete admixtures are used in the production of super-strong concrete to meet the needs of higher buildings. According to the latest statistics, concrete admixtures accounted for the largest share of construction chemicals at 37%, with a market value of US $ 12.5 billion in 2016, followed by adhesives and sealants with a market value of US $ 10.1 billion and market share of 30%.

According to IHS Chemical, the demand for concrete admixtures has increased significantly in the past few decades. In 2016, the total global market demand has reached 6.6 million tons, and the demand in emerging economies is rapidly increasing. Major concrete admixture manufacturers worldwide, including BASF and Sika, have increased their production at production sites in Thailand and more recently have increased capacity in Kenya, Russia and Vietnam. Tilman, head of BASF's construction chemicals business, said "Russia is a very attractive market and the Russian construction industry is expected to grow faster than the global average in the coming years."

The importance of concrete admixtures is well documented in the construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel linking Zurich and Milan through the Swiss Alps. This tunnel uses a total of about 4 million tons of concrete, and pouring or spraying of concrete during construction is often difficult, posing a challenge for companies such as BASF and Sika to provide concrete admixtures for construction work.

Bolygger, head of BASF's underground construction business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, said underground construction requires high levels of concrete and must remain uncured for several hours when entering the mountains for transport; however, When concrete is sprayed onto the tunnel walls, it must be fixed immediately. This is the biggest challenge in the construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. (Jing Xiao translation)


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