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来源: 编辑: 人气:910 时间:2017-09-26

  凯茵化工讯 科技部8月25日发布消息称,我国功能化表面活性剂绿色制备与产业化示范取得成效




The effectiveness of our country green surfactant preparation of functionalized surfactant

Kailin Chemical Technology Ministry of Science and Technology August 25 release news that China's functional surfactant green preparation and industrialization demonstration

At present, with special functions of the surfactant has become the support Scientific and technological progress and the necessary functions of industrial development Supported organic chemical raw materials, the demand is very large and growing rapidly. Due to the lack of large-scale production technology and devices, the special functional additives on the domestic market, especially the functionalized surfactants, are mainly imported products.

In view of the serious lack of functional surfactant species in our country, the functional surfactants required by industries such as daily chemicals, oil production, textile, electronics, ceramics, metal processing and agriculture rely heavily on the status quo of imports, "& ldquo During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the Ministry of Science and Technology launched the "Green Preparation and Industrialization Demonstration of Functionalized Surfactants" project of National Science and Technology Support Program. The project is jointly organized by the China Light Industry Federation organized by the industry's dominant enterprises, institutions and colleges and universities to transform the joint research, the current project by optimizing the green production technology, the development of efficient catalysts and equipment and other key technological innovations, completed a functional surfactant, Efficient concentration of liquid detergent and environmentally friendly leather degreasing agent efficient, clean preparation technology for the energy, textile, cosmetic, metallurgy, ceramics, electronics, agriculture and other related areas of the economy to bring significant cost advantages, to promote the surface Active agent industry production of energy saving and sustainable development has an exemplary role.

It is reported that the "13th Five-Year" special program of scientific and technological innovation in the field of materials, the green and efficient surfactant preparation technology, eco-leather key materials and efficient production technology, plastic lightweight and short process Processing and functionalization of technology as the development focus, efforts to address the basic material products homogeneity, low value, heavy environmental burden, low energy efficiency, resource bottleneck constraints and other major common problems, breakthroughs in the design and development of basic materials, manufacturing processes, processes Optimization and intelligent green transformation and other key technologies and localization of equipment to carry out advanced production demonstration.


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