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来源: 编辑: 人气:734 时间:2017-09-27

  凯茵化工讯 德国马丁 路德大学研究人员发明了一种在热饮料里可自我溶解的牛奶胶囊,这种胶囊可方便地用在会议、飞机等快捷热饮供应场所,减少牛奶的塑料或纸壳包装。这项发明刊登在好近的《化学工程和技术》杂志上。

  据马丁 路德大学的韦尔纳博士介绍,发明这项牛奶胶囊工艺的是其导师,马丁 路德大学工程科学中心的约阿希姆 乌利齐教授。牛奶胶囊是利用糖皮作为胶囊外壳,里面含有方糖、牛奶和炼乳,当牛奶胶囊接触到热液体时会自动溶解。



  约阿希姆 乌利齐教授领导的团队多年前就开始研究胶囊制作工艺,美国亚什兰 并研究如何使结晶成形工艺适合药物胶囊等工业化应用。乌利齐教授称,新型的自我溶解胶囊具有很多潜在用途,如替代目前在会议或飞机航班上大量使用的塑料盒咖啡炼乳。乌利齐教授发明的这项工艺2015年已申请了 ,但还没有成为产品,大量廉价的牛奶胶囊工业化生产工艺还需要进一步完善。

Germany invented self-dissolving milk capsules

Kailin Chemical News Germany Martin & middot; Researchers at Luther University invented a self-dissolving milk capsule in a hot beverage that can be conveniently used in meeting places, airplanes and other quick hot drinks places to reduce the amount of milk Plastic or paper packaging. The invention is published in the recent Chemical Engineering and Technology magazine. According to Martin Luther University, Dr. Werner, who invented the milk capsule process, is the mentor to Martin Luther University Center for Engineering Science in Joachim & Middot; Ulrich professor. Milk capsule is the use of sugar as the capsule shell, which contains sugar, milk and condensed milk, milk capsules will automatically dissolve when exposed to hot liquid.

The method of producing capsules is fairly straightforward. The first step is to formulate the milk and sugar into a milk solution. The hot milk is then injected into the forming mold and the temperature is controlled to cool. The extra sugar on the edge of the liquid crystallizes as the temperature changes and forms a capsule that contains a solution of toffee. The whole production step may seem very simple, but researchers have learned the best recipe and cooling process for producing milk capsules by trial and error.

Two types of milk capsules, sweet and slightly sweet, have been developed. Natural milk capsules are also being researched to meet the needs of consumers of different tastes. According to Dr. Werner, milk capsules are available in different shapes and can be stored at room temperature to produce capsules that last for at least 3 weeks. Their process can also be applied to other liquid capsules, such as fruit juice concentrate capsules. The team led by Professor Joachim Ulrich started years ago to study capsule manufacturing processes and to study how to make crystalline forming processes suitable for industrial applications such as pharmaceutical capsules. Professor Ulici said the new self-dissolving capsules have many potential uses, such as replacing the plastic boxes of coffee condensed milk currently used extensively at conferences or on airline flights. The technology invented by Professor Ulici has been patented in 2015, but it has not yet become a product, and a lot of cheap milk capsules need further improvement in the industrialized production process.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
