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来源: 编辑: 人气:933 时间:2017-09-26

  凯茵化工讯 近日,福建省政府网站公布了《福建省石墨烯产业发展规划(2017—2025年)》。规划提出,到2020年,建成较为完善的石墨烯材料研发、制备、应用等产业发展体系。到2025年,石墨烯产业成为福建省经济发展先导产业,部分石墨烯材料应用达到国际优良水平,福建省成为全国石墨烯技术创新先导区、国际合作引领区、产业应用示范区。


  规划提出,福建省以材料制备、复合材料领域、电子信息领域、能源领域、热管理领域、环保健康领域及配套产业为重点方向,以建立技术创新体系、构建产业发展体系、搭建服务支撑体系、前瞻布局标准体系、加强区域交流合作为重点任务,打造以福州和厦门为创新核心区,以厦门火炬高新区、泉州晋江和三明 安为产业集聚区的“两核三区”产业发展格局。

  目前,福建省已基本形成从资源开采—材料制备—下游应用—终端产品及相关配套的产业链,在石墨烯生产设备、石墨烯制备、电池电极材料、防腐涂料和环保材料等硅油、日化助领域已经涌现出40多家具有一定实力的企业,主要分布在福州、厦门、泉州和三明 安等地,产业集聚效应初显。



Fujian Province introduced graphene industry development plan

Kai Yan Chemical News Recently, the Fujian Provincial Government website announced "Fujian graphene industry development plan (2017 & mdash; 2025)." Plan proposed by 2020, built a more perfect graphene materials research and development, preparation, application and other industrial development system. By 2025, the graphene industry has become the leading industry for economic development in Fujian Province. Some of the application of graphene materials has reached the international advanced level. Fujian Province has become the pilot area for technological innovation of graphene, the leading area for international cooperation and the industrial application demonstration area. According to the plan, by 2020 industrial development, demonstration projects and a number of major projects will be completed, and the output value of graphene and related industries will exceed 10 billion yuan, driving the formation of an industrial chain system with an output value exceeding 50 billion yuan . By 2025, the downstream application market will be opened up in an all-round way and the industry will achieve leapfrog development. The output value of graphene and its related products will exceed 50 billion yuan, driving the formation of an industrial chain system with an output value exceeding 100 billion yuan.

The plan proposed that Fujian Province should focus on the fields of material preparation, composite materials, electronic information, energy, thermal management, environmental health and supporting industries in order to establish a technological innovation system and build an industrial development system , Build a service support system, forward-looking layout standard system, strengthen regional exchanges and cooperation as the key task to build Fuzhou and Xiamen as the core area of ​​innovation to Xiamen Torch High-tech Zone, Quanzhou Jinjiang and Sanming Yongan for the industrial agglomeration of "two nuclear three District "pattern of industrial development.

At present, Fujian Province has basically formed an industrial chain from the resource exploitation & mdash; downstream applications & mdash; end products and related supporting industries. In graphene production equipment, graphene preparation, battery electrode materials, Coatings and environmental protection materials have emerged in more than 40 have some strength of the enterprises, mainly in Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou and Sanming Yongan and other places, the initial effect of industrial agglomeration.

The plan proposes that by 2020, Fujian Province will introduce and cultivate 1-2 leading innovative graphene leaders with the leading position in domestic market and annual sales income exceeding 1 billion, with 10-20 new scale Graphene backbone enterprises, cultivate 3 to 5 graphene listed companies, hatch a group of graphene science and technology SMEs, the formation of graphene business ecosystem, to promote 10 to 20 graphene related industries demonstration projects, built 1 or 2 National graphene industry demonstration base and professional park.

By 2025, it will form one or two leading enterprises with international competitiveness and leadership role and annual sales revenue of over 10 billion yuan. It will also cultivate a number of specialized backbone enterprises with annual sales income exceeding 1 billion yuan, We have built a number of graphene industrial bases and industrial clusters with prominent main businesses, complete industrial facilities and an annual output value of more than 20 billion yuan.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
