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来源: 编辑: 人气:848 时间:2012-01-19

  凯茵化工讯 7月19日, 全Q助剂和测量仪器的供应商毕克化学(BYK)全新一体化基地在上海化学工业区奠基。


  毕克化学在过去几年里保持了健康的增长势头,通过收购Addcomp Holland BV和PolyAd Services两家公司,进一步丰富了聚合物添加剂生产线。2016年毕克化学实现 全Q销售收入9.09亿欧元,其中大中华区销售以双位数增长。

BYK Chemical invests in Shanghai to build an integrated base

On July 19, BYK, a global supplier of additives and measuring instruments, established a new integrated base in Shanghai Chemical Industry Park.

The first phase of construction of a new base integrating R & D, technical services, logistics, warehousing, production and administration will have an investment of about 30 million euros and covers a total area of ​​more than 50,000 square meters. It is expected to be completed in the second half of 2018 Put into operation.

BYK Chemicals has enjoyed healthy growth in the past few years and has further enriched its polymer additive production lines by acquiring Addcomp Holland BV and PolyAd Services. In 2016, BYK achieved global sales revenue of 909 million euros, of which sales in Greater China double-digit growth.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
