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日本发明超强凝胶 弹性超强比钢还硬

来源: 编辑: 人气:943 时间:2017-08-09

  凯茵化工讯 全Q化学品企业凯米拉公司6月12日宣布,其位于江苏省南京市的新建 AKD乳液及松香生产线将正式投入运营。



Kemira Nanjing sizing agent production line put into operation

凯茵 化工 News Global chemical company Kemira announced on June 12 that its new AKD emulsion and rosin production line in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, will be put into operation.

Sizing agents are primarily used to improve the water resistance of paper and paperboard and are an important part of Kemira's Total Care Management (TCM), which ensures that customers use state-of-the-art chemical technology and applications And intelligent process management technology. The new AKD production technology incorporates Kemira's current state-of-the-art (BAT) quality standards, which are critical to providing sizing for high-end applications such as food-contact board and liquid-packed cardboard (LPB).

Kemira has been expanding production capacity in Nanjing since 2014. In addition to these new production lines, Kemira's new ASA sizing line will be put into operation by the end of 2017 and will continue to invest in the Chinese market And Nanjing production capacity.


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【版权声明】秉承互联网开放、包容的精神,凯茵化工欢迎各方(自)媒体、机构转载、引用我们原创内容,但要注明来源凯茵化工;同时,我们倡导尊重与保护知识产权,如发现本站文章存在版权问题,请将版权疑问、授权证明、版权证明、联系方式等,发邮件至 app@shkingchem.com,我们将第一时间核实、处理,感谢您的配合。
