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帝斯曼赢创选定ω-3脂肪酸 厂址 

来源: 编辑: 人气:869 时间:2017-08-09

  凯茵化工讯 ADAMA农业解决方案公司近日宣布将收购先正达美国多个植保产品,其中包括杀菌剂Bravo系列(百菌清),该系列下有Bravo Weather Stik 、Bravo Ultrex 和Bravo ZN产品,以及杀虫剂Fulfill (吡蚜酮)、Trigard 和 Armor (均含灭蝇胺)。


  ADAMA北美副总裁Ro食品添加剂b Williams说道,“我们很高兴能通过收购这些受到市场高度认可的产品来增强我们的产品组合。这些产品对我们现有的高效解决方案形成了直接的补充,同时为美国农业市场带来了更加专业和独特的使用工具。”

Adama Acquires Syngenta Several U.S. Bactericides and Pesticides

KAYNE Chemical News ADAMA Agri-Solutions recently announced that it will acquire a number of Syngenta plant protection products in the United States, including the bactericide Bravo series (Chlorothalonil), under the Bravo Weather Stik ®, Bravo Ultrex ® and Bravo ZN products, as well as the insecticides Fulfill® (pymetrozine), Trigard® and Armor® (both cyromazine-containing).

As part of the transaction, ADAMA obtains the brand name, the relevant registration, and the active ingredients and product data contained in the product in support of registration. The above acquisition was related to the acquisition of Syngenta recently completed by China National Chemical Corporation (parent company ADAMA).

Rob Williams, vice president of ADAMA North America, said, "We are pleased to be able to enhance our product portfolio by acquiring these highly-recognized products. These products provide a direct complement to our existing efficient solutions and bring more professional and unique tools to the US agricultural market. & rdquo;


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