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来源: 编辑: 人气:1400 时间:2017-09-19

  凯茵化工讯 6月28日,在北京举办的中国工程建设标准化协会商贸分会理事卡博特黑色母LL4932 耐候 农用薄会上,作为协办单位的烟台市顺达聚氨酯有限责任公司展示了新型环保发泡剂(CFA-8125)在硬泡聚氨酯的好新应用成果,受到了与会专家、学者的广泛关注和一致好评。

  山东理工大学研发的CFA-8125属于新型的化学发泡剂,被认为是目前市场上主流发泡剂HCFC-141B的好理想替代品,因产品本身均不含卤素元素,不会破坏臭氧层,所以与其他常规的发泡剂相比更加绿色清洁环保。该产品发泡形成的聚氨酯泡沫材料具有强度高,发泡效率高,导热系数低,尺寸稳定等优良特性,好终产品性能可达到GB/T 8624-2012 B2级标准。导热系数低以及优异的保温隔热性能,可以大大降低能耗,为客户降低综合运营成本。

  顺达聚氨酯总经理叶刘亮先生表示,长期以来,臭氧层破坏和温室效应是 全Q面临的重大环境问题,世界各国都在加强环境保护,降低二氧化碳排放。原有的发泡剂产品系列都属于物理发泡剂,物理发泡剂因其含氯氟原素,被认为是破坏臭氧层,造成温室效应的元凶之一。顺达聚氨酯作为中国冷链保温行业的领军企业,肩负为绿水青山出一份力的社会使命,公司多年来一直投入资金致力于研发和应用环保产品。此次新型环保发泡剂的问世及应用,重新定义了中国聚氨酯行业的发展方向,为 全Q降低臭氧消耗,减少温室气体排放,找到了一条新的出路。未来顺达聚氨酯会坚持技术研发和创新,为 全Q客户提供更加环保、安全、节能的保温产品和服务。

A new generation of environmentally friendly green polyurethane foam agent successfully applied

On June 28, held in Beijing, China Construction Industry Standardization Association branch of commerce and trade as a co-unit of Yantai Shunda polyurethane limited liability The company demonstrated the latest application results of the new environmentally friendly foaming agent (CFA-8125) in rigid polyurethane foam, which received wide attention and acclaim from participating experts and scholars.

The CFA-8125 developed by Shandong University of Technology belongs to the new type of chemical foaming agent and is considered as the most ideal substitute for the mainstream foaming agent HCFC-141B on the market. Because the products themselves contain no halogen, Does not damage the ozone layer, so it is greener and cleaner than other conventional blowing agents. The foamed polyurethane foam material has the advantages of high strength, high foaming efficiency, low thermal conductivity and stable size, and the final product performance can reach the level B2 of GB / T 8624-2012. Low thermal conductivity and excellent thermal insulation properties, can greatly reduce energy consumption, reduce operational costs for customers.

Mr. Ye Liuliang, general manager of Shunda Polyurethane, said that for a long time, the destruction of the ozone layer and the greenhouse effect are the major environmental problems that the world faces. All countries in the world are strengthening their environmental protection and reducing their carbon dioxide emissions. The original series of foaming agent belong to the physical foaming agent, physical foaming agent because of its fluorine-containing fluorine element, is considered to destroy the ozone layer, causing one of the culprits of the greenhouse effect. As a leader in the cold chain insulation industry in China, Shunda Polyurethane Co., Ltd. takes the social mission to provide a fertile ground for the development of green water and mountains. The company has been investing funds in research and development and application of environmentally friendly products for many years. The advent and application of this new type of environmentally friendly blowing agent redefined the development direction of China's polyurethane industry and found a new way out for reducing global ozone consumption and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Future Shunda polyurethane will insist on technology research and development and innovation, to provide customers around the world more environmentally friendly, safe, energy-saving insulation products and services.


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