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来源: 编辑: 人气:891 时间:2017-09-07


  在柏林 全Q初创企业展上,StoreDot展示了该技术的概念验证,它是“对传统锂离子电池结构的大刀阔斧的改进”。据悉,FlashBattery(“闪充”电池)融合了多层纳米材料和有机化合物,将大大减少充电所需时间。在介绍该项技术的视频中可以看到,在StoreDot模块上运行的汽车将配备四十个“小袋”,每个小袋中都包含FlashBattery技术,由称为多肽的氨基酸短链转化而成的稀释剂“纳米点”组成,“纳米点”呈分层结构排列。这些小袋合并后组成了一个充电模块。

  StoreDot称,该技术打破了传统石墨锂离子电池的局限性,且比锂电池更安全,因为它不易燃,燃烧温度更高。公司表示,该技术现在处于研发的 阶段,将在三年之内打入市场,彻底改变电动汽车的充电方式。



"Flash charging" car battery available only five minutes

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on May 15, Israeli nanotechnology company StoreDot launched a landmark "ultra-fast-charging" electric car battery, said the battery can be completed in just five minutes Charging, and supports 300 miles of car battery (about 483 kilometers).

StoreDot presented the proof of concept of the technology at the Berlin Global Startup Show, which is "a radical improvement over the traditional lithium-ion battery architecture." It is reported that FlashBattery ("flash charge" battery) combines multi-layer nano-materials and organic compounds, will greatly reduce the time required for charging. As you can see in the video introducing the technology, the car running on the StoreDot module will be equipped with forty "sachets", each containing the FlashBattery technology, which is converted from short amino acids called peptides The "nanodots" composition, "nanodots" were layered structure arrangement. These pouches merge to form a charging module.

StoreDot said the technology breaks the limits of traditional graphite lithium-ion batteries and is safer than lithium batteries because it is non-flammable and burns at higher temperatures. The company said the technology is now in an advanced stage of research and development and will enter the market within three years, completely changing the way electric vehicles are charged.

Dr Doron Myersdorf, co-founder and CEO of StoreDot, said: "Fast charging is the key to accelerating the popularity of electric vehicles. Currently available battery technology requires a longer charging time, which makes the electric vehicle can not meet the needs of the public well. We are discussing with several strategic partners in the automotive field to help us expedite the production process in Asia and achieve mass production as soon as possible.

In 2015, StoreDot demonstrated how to use the technology to charge handsets in just a few seconds, purportedly for faster storage of more battery power for mobile phones.


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