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来源: 编辑: 人气:1008 时间:2017-09-07

  凯茵化工讯 4月12日,宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)和威士伯(Valspar)共同宣布,已经与艾仕得(Axalta)达成好终协议,以4.2亿美元现金向艾仕得出售威士伯北美工业木器涂料有关资产。




  威士伯北美工业木器涂料业务,旗下拥有Zenith,Luster Lac和GrainE系列醇醚酯溶剂tone等品牌,2016年营业额约为2.25亿美元,是OEM和售后市场工业木材市场的主要涂料供应商之一,其中包括北美建筑产品、橱柜、地板和家具。




Xuanwei 11.3 billion acquisition of Valspar approved by the US FTC

Kai Yin Chemical News On April 12, Sherwin-Williams and Valspar jointly announced that they have reached a definitive agreement with Axalta to provide Axalto Sales of Valspar North America's industrial wood coatings assets.

At present, this incident has been the latest progress. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said on May 26 that it had accepted the proposal of Sherwin that it would sell two Valspar industrial wood coatings plants to Axalto, 11.3 billion acquisition of Valspar antitrust review conditions.

In addition, the merger was also approved by the Canadian Competition Authority. Sherwood said it expects to acquire Valspar on June 1.

Valspar North American Industrial Wood Coatings, which owns brands such as Zenith, Luster Lac and Graintone, had a turnover of approximately $ 225 million in 2016 and is a major paint supplier to the OEM and aftermarket industrial wood markets One, including North American building products, cabinets, flooring and furniture.

Under the terms of the agreement, Sunway will sell two Valspar industrial wood coatings plants to Axalta, one at its highest point in North Carolina and the other in Cornwall, Ontario. At the same time, Axalta will also receive R & D facilities, warehouses and testing facilities from Valspar's Industrial Wood Coatings business as well as contract customers, intellectual property, inventory, accounts receivables, government licenses and passports and business records. The consent agreement limits Sherwin's use of the divestiture and the right to access confidential business information.

FTC said Axalta is one of the leading coatings suppliers in the area of ​​large automotive and industrial OEMs who are able to compete effectively in order to maintain market competitiveness, otherwise they will be subject to mergers and acquisitions Impact.

For this transaction, both parties set a condition that if there is an unexpected divestiture that is, the total value of the divestment exceeds $ 650 million in Valspar's 2015 earnings reporting business, Deal price adjusted to 105 US dollars per share, and in the event of an antitrust agency demanded more than 1.5 billion business divestment, the right to declare the right to declare the unilateral termination.


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