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来源: 编辑: 人气:1165 时间:2018-02-27

  凯茵化工讯 德威新材(300325)6月6日晚间发布公告,公司根据对常州诺德化工新材料有限公司的尽成核剂职调查评估结果,公司拟用自有资金 4590 万元人民币收购常州诺德化工51%股权。

  公告称,过氧化二异丙苯(DCP),又名过氧化二枯茗,是一种国家支持发展的绿色环保交联剂新材料。主要作为各种烯烃类聚合物及共聚物(如聚乙烯、氯化聚乙烯、硅橡胶等)的交联剂及聚氯乙烯的聚合引发剂,也是不饱和聚酯树脂的固化剂。聚烯烃类经 DCP 交联后,能够使聚合物的性质大为改善,其抗热性﹑耐化学性﹑耐压性﹑抗裂性及机械强度均有所增加。

  公司称,随着 DCP 下游行业的快速发展,国内外市场对 DCP 的需求量也迅速增大。除国内使用外,其他使用地区包括欧洲﹑非洲﹑南北美洲、东亚和东南亚等地区。其中韩国﹑美国﹑意大利﹑比利时﹑印度﹑日本﹑俄罗斯﹑巴基斯坦和北欧使用量较大。近年来随着国家对环境保护的加强,以及产品使用范围的扩大,加上国际市场需求旺盛,过氧化二异丙苯产品的市场价格会保持稳中有升的趋势,市场潜力巨大。同时,过氧化二异丙苯本身是公司所需原材料之一,成功收购诺德化工有利于公司降低产品生产成本,提高公司产品毛利率,进而增加公司的营业利润。

  公司表示,本次对外投资完成后,上市公司将持有常州诺德化工 51%股权,通过与太仓助剂厂的强强联合,公司可借助太仓助剂厂在 DCP 行业内的技术和品牌优势,进一步提升产品的综合竞争力,实现 DCP 产量和销量的双增长。

Dwelling new material to be acquired 51% stake in Changzhou Nordisk Chemical

KaiYan Chemical Materials Co., Ltd (300325) announced on the evening of June 6 that according to the due diligence investigation result of Novo Nordisk Chemical Materials Co., Ltd., the Company intends to acquire RMB 45.9 million from its own funds Changzhou Nuode Chemical 51% stake.

Notice said that dicumyl peroxide (DCP), also known as dicofol peroxide, is a new state-backed green cross-linkers materials. Mainly as a variety of olefinic polymers and copolymers (such as polyethylene, chlorinated polyethylene, silicone rubber, etc.) cross-linking agent and polyvinyl chloride polymerization initiator, but also unsaturated polyester resin curing agent. After the polyolefin crosslinked by DCP, the property of the polymer can be greatly improved, and the heat resistance, chemical resistance, pressure resistance, crack resistance and mechanical strength are increased.

According to the company, with the rapid development of DCP's downstream industries, the demand for DCP in domestic and overseas markets has also rapidly increased. In addition to domestic use, other areas include Europe, Africa, North and South America, East Asia and Southeast Asia and other regions. Among them, Korea, the United States, Italy, Belgium, India, Japan, Russia, Pakistan and Northern Europe are heavily used. In recent years, with the strengthening of national environmental protection and the expansion of the product range, as well as the strong demand in the international market, the market price of dicumyl peroxide will maintain a steady growth rate with a huge market potential. At the same time, dicumyl peroxide itself is one of the raw materials required by the company. The successful acquisition of Nuode Chemical will help the Company reduce its production costs and increase the gross profit margin of its products, which in turn will increase its operating profit.

The company said that after the completion of this foreign investment, the listed company will hold 51% stake in Changzhou Noble Chemical. Through the cooperation with Taicang Additives Factory, the company can make use of Taicang Additives Factory in the DCP industry Within the technology and brand, to further enhance the overall competitiveness of products to achieve DCP double the growth of production and sales.


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