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来源: 编辑: 人气:1923 时间:2017-08-03

  凯茵化工讯 为应对东盟地区日益增长的需求,德国化工巨头巴斯夫公司在泰国邦波生产基地开设了一家汽车涂料制造厂。


  在谈到该公司在东盟的高家汽车涂料厂时,巴斯夫涂料部门总裁Dirk Bremm说,新厂将兑现公司对该地区客户的承诺,成为“所有主要汽车制造商的可信赖的合作伙伴”。




  巴斯夫公司 副总裁Peter Fischer说:“凭借我们在泰国的强大实力,我们满足了对可持续和高效节能解决方案的日益增长的需求。”



BASF to open a car paint factory in Thailand

KAYNE Chemical News In response to the growing demand in the ASEAN region, the German chemical giant BASF opened an automotive paint manufacturer at its Bangbo site in Thailand.

The plant, which was officially opened on December 13, will produce solvent and waterborne automotive coatings and will complement BASF's Coating Technology Competence Center in the ASEAN region. The center was established in the region in 2015. Commenting on the company's first auto paint factory in ASEAN, Dirk Bremm, president of BASF Coatings, said the new plant will honor the company's commitment to customers in the region and become "a leader in all major automotive manufacturers Trustworthy partner & rdquo ;.

The reason for the establishment of this division is the significant increase in the number of automotive OEMs engaged in production and technology development activities in the ASEAN region-which has also led to a solution to the coatings and an increase in the local innovation demand for the products s reason.

According to the LMC Automotive Report released in November 2017, it is estimated that the total ASEAN automobile production will reach 3.9 million units this year.

Thailand will account for more than 50% of this market, representing the largest paint market in ASEAN, followed by Indonesia and Malaysia.

Peter Fischer, BASF Senior Vice President, said: "With our strength in Thailand, we have met the growing demand for sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.

In 2015, BASF launched the ASEAN Coatings Technical Competence Center to support automotive customers in the region. The center offers product development services, high-performance application equipment, color design and a small-volume production unit.

According to BASF, the co-location of products and technical equipment will improve operational efficiency and quick marketization.


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